Jennifer Aument
Jennifer Aument
Non-Executive Board Member


United States

Upgrade to initiate conversation first






Panel of top level market leaders taking stock and exploring new avenues - what asset classes are the most active, what challenges are they facing, and how they are managing through dislocations and quickly fluctuating interest rates? 

  • Breakdown of the market discussing recent trends in transportation, civil, and social infrastructure
  • Risk transfer, capital requirements, and labor shortages affecting project delivery 
  • Is more legislative impetus needed? In what direction?
  • What changes might be needed to bidding processes and structures to cope with uncertainty?
  • Will the IIJA and IRA have as profound an impact on the transport and social infrastructure market as it could in renewable energy?

Michael Discenza
President (Acting), Transurban - North America
Jennifer Aument
Non-Executive Board Member, -
Carlos Ugarte
Global Head of Business and Corporate Development, Cintra
Morteza Farajian
Executive Director, U.S. DOT - Build America Bureau
Raymond Di Prinzio
Managing Director, Co-Head of Infrastructure, North America Global Structured Finance, SMBC
Maura Murphy
Head of Production, Proximo